Back of the House

Put the simple back in complex meeting room management

TIPMed Technology Spotlight

uSummit’s Book a Meeting Room was built to make managing room availability and engagement bookings a breeze for both you and your team. Enable attendees to book, modify or cancel time slot(s) for meetings in a specific location in real-time. Empower attendees to invite other attendees to meetings and request ad hoc meetings. Built-in option for meeting managers to moderate meeting room requests and prevent double booking with conflict analysis.

Amanda’s Book a Meeting Room TIP

Need to allow attendees to book in off-site locations, combine Book a Meeting Room with the ability for attendees to create events using their own locations for easy meeting tracking all in one place.



Meet TIPMed Team Member: Amanda Barletta

Amanda celebrated her first year at TIPMed in February and was recently promoted to Project Manager. She is a dynamic member of the uSummit team and expert on how to best manage your meeting rooms using Book a Meeting Room. On a plane, she prefers the window seat and boarding in group 4. Her next flight might be to Hawaii but first she will be traveling to Chicago and Dallas among other cities as part of the uSummit on-site team. She lives by her favorite quote “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Look out for Amanda at future events or reach out via email with any restaurant recommendations for Chicago, Dallas or Hawaii.
